Day Services & Supports

Kerry Parents & Friends Association (KPFA) recognises that people have the right to identify and develop their own lives and to realise this through appropriate, person centred supports within local communities, with an emphasis on inclusion and personal autonomy. We provide both centre based and non-centre based community supports across County Kerry which are determined according to each person’s needs and wishes.

Training for Life

A three-year cycle of training for people who have completed their school-based education, including skill training in various areas, life skills, personal development, literacy, art & crafts, social & recreation and computer studies.

New Directions

New Directions is an approach to supporting adults with disabilities who use day services. It proposes that 'day services' should take the form of personal outcome-focused supports to allow adults using those services to live a life of their choosing in accordance with their own wishes, needs and aspirations.

Training & Activation

Generally, a Centre based programme to include activities in the areas of supported employment; training in a range of areas including literacy and numeracy, advocacy, social, personal and health education; sport and recreational activities as well as occupational/therapeutic activities and personal services as required.

Services offered in any of the above areas can vary according to needs and choices